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Body Mesotherapy
Find the solution you are looking for for cellulite, local thickness, relaxation

What is body mesotherapy for cellulite?
Mesotherapy is a revolutionary treatment, which is tailored exactly to the needs of your body and targets the points that concern you using a 'cocktail' of active and effective substances (vitamins, minerals, amino acids, hyaluronic acid, antioxidants, fat-dissolving agents, etc.). ). Remarkable is the fact that this specific treatment goes beyond the skin layer and channels its active ingredients exactly where there is a need! Targeted enhancement of local microcirculation, as well as tissue detoxification, is vital to achieve a significant improvement in the orange peel appearance. Thus, body mesotherapy is a targeted injectable treatment, which can provide the skin with nutrition, hydration, toning and tightening, as well as contributing to the fight against cellulite and, at the same time, local fat.
What does body mesotherapy offer?
This particular treatment provides the following:
Hydration and regenaration of tissues
Collagen production and at the same time combating skin flaccidity
Improvement of cellulite and orange peel appearance
Treatment local thickness and reducing points
Treatment of stretch marks
Body tightening

How many sessions do I need to see the desired results?
Usually 2-3 sessions are sufficient, depending on the extent of the problem, with intervals of about 10-15 days on average. The result improves with each session. It takes about 2-3 months to complete and can be maintained for many years. The number and frequency of sessions is determined by the doctor after studying the age, condition and needs of your skin.
If we can summarize the benefits of the treatment they would be the following:
Painless, bloodless and minimally invasive method of tightening and reducing local thickness and cellulite
Without any recovery time
It can be applied throughout the year
It is aimed at both women and men
Is it a painless process?
Yes. Mesotherapy is applied with very thin intradermal needles, which do not cause any discomfort. In fact, some mesotherapy 'cocktails' already contain a small amount of anesthetic substance so that the penetration of the substances is not felt at all.
Is there a recovery time?
No. The mesotherapy procedure has no recovery time. You can return to your normal daily activities. However, you may appear bruises or mild swelling at the injection areas, which is completely normal and will subside within a few days.
Does it have any side effects?
No. Mesotherapy is a technique for intradermal injections in very low doses through